Dragon & Nighthawk
Lori tore me from her moratorium
and played me down til I was crumbs.
We flung ourselves to freshmen patterns;
scattered clothing in Joelle’s bathroom,
tattered stories that never happened.
But they did. We swear they did.
And we carved pumpkins.
And we looked great;
our tummies resting on Mandarin plates.
No fortune cookie could predict
us chicks would click like clock puppets.
Rum marionettes us across the room
to downstairs, upstairs, north, south
Professor, I done the homework
and google mapped this house,
it’s just on the roundabout
where College meets Prof.
Doth know what direction we’re going?
Doth not. Christie will lead us.
Death Machine turned real keen on us pups.
And we’d burrow back to Barrows.
And you’d steal my frosting—
and you probably don’t even remember it,
but I was so angry.
But then you flared your nostrils
and growled at me
and I was so happy.
And then you smacked me
and we slid down a hill,
amidst the snow we threw at will
and waded back to outer space
where Dragons and Nighthawks have their place
to roam the night with dark flashlights
that led us nowhere til sunlight.
Delighted not be Sunday,
Hyundai parked between our ears,
we hope someday
water appears
on our nightstands
lest morning us
will trust be damned.
We’ll remember better
next weekend
when we’ll be rice
wrapped tight in seaweed,
soy sauce, smoked easy.
Breezing by like goons,
we just some spus
breaking sick moves
singing the song that goes
happy birthday to you.