
My cubby hole

is always full

of scented crayons

and rubber bands.

And sticky tack

I’ll never give back;

it’s sticking to my

green snack pack!

Now 1, 2, 3

All eyes on me

The teacher needs

attention, please!

Put down your glue!

Don’t touch the scissors!

Don’t eat the paste!

Who spilled the glitter?

And always bitter,

the taste of paste,

but if I wash it off

it’ll be a waste.

So I replace

the kitten puzzle.

The drinking fountain

where water guzzles.

Germs and germs

and boys have cooties.

But don’t anger Matthew,

he looks moody.

He’s sitting in

the time-out chair

the teacher sent him,

we all were scared.

We freeze as if

it was freeze-tag;

I hate it when

teacher gets mad.

But then it’s back

to boys vs. girls

and make-believe

and who brought s’mores?!

Don’t touch his snack,

it’s not yours!

But I assure you teacher,

I want it more!

The sloshing quiet stick

means storytime.

Sit criss-cross style,

Hey, I found a dime!

And overall,

these overalls

they itch and burn and snap.

But hush, hush to all

let your towels fall,

it’s time to take a nap.




Dragon & Nighthawk