Looking Through the Eyes of Time

Early I rise,

the blazing sun greets my day.

His fire rays accompany me

as sweat puddles while I play.

I hunt until cool dawn,

and harvest my land of her worth.

She has much to offer and I to receive;

I kiss this ground called Earth.

I live not alone,

but in a humble hut leaking with love.

Everyday is my paradise;

unhappy thoughts left un-thought of.

It’s colder now;

my bones shiver without a coat.

A second’s hesitation interrupted by netting,

and off to a blasphemous boat.

My insides erupt with terror,

as we all beg and cry to our gods.

While these chains biting into our flesh,

feed us to a monster named Amistad.

The longest trip ever unplanned;

struggling to be revived.

Ironically, I knew I was unlucky,

to even have survived.

A hunger layers over cracked skin,

oh how it needs to be fed.

Working day and night as told;

weak skin has long been shed.

Fields of white glaze my eyes,

as if lost in a cloud.

My lost hope and cause drift away;

forgotten meanings of proud.

Stars and stripes rise over a blue X,

a tear surfaces my eye.

Fulfillment feeds my starved body,

I have but myself to rely.

A ray of light illuminates my future;

I can be who I choose to be.

A simple lesson that tests our time,

there is nothing free about free.


Ode to String


I Am